Thursday, February 14, 2008


what was i thinking giving up chocolate at this time of the year?!!!
Valentines and Anniversary..
Ya I was obviously not thinking!!
I wouldn't be surprised if I fail...
tsk tsk tsk..
I want my chocolates :(

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

good bye chocolates.... cya later?

ok ... so 40 days.. not THAT long compared to giving something up forever...but i believe that this can be a really good start to improve.. haha.. i have finally decided to give up the second love of my life - CHOCOLATES (and as much as possible random sweets and candies too)... before i would always think of something that will be hard for me to give up, anything besides chocolate!! it has been way overdue and its time!! lol...

i know that since the time span that this sacrifice falls within lent, therefore this should be related to religious reasons... and i dont question my faith in religion - i still believe strongly in God and even if i don't attend mass as much as i should, i know my faith is still well intact... however, i wanna see this opportunity as not just something religious but also for self-improvement purposes... if i, and i am well determined to, succeed in this challenge then my goal is to not eat as much chocolates/candies after lent... hoping that giving it up for a while will help me get used to not eating it and decrease (exponentially!! haha) my cravings for these lil devils...

now the cravings - that's a whole different story... i have the cravings of a pregnant woman! its horrible and unbearable at times... i can't sit still and concentrate on what i'm doing unless i get my fix! working on that and it will absolutely be extra challenging for this time...

so goodbye chocolates and of course be more consistent with exercising and working out...

this will be interesting...